diumenge, 9 de setembre del 2007

Something happened today

Avui tinc un dia diguem-ne que una mica creuat.. Ja se sap, els efectes secundaris de l'exili. I per moments com aquest, res millor que una cançó com a mantra per trobar de nou el camí a casa...
Is it a dream
or is the day still dawning
in this part of the world?
Is it one of these moods
where you feel so selfish
 in this part of the world?
But hey,
something happened today.
I wish I could explain
the strange sunshine through the rain,
the rush I got
I heard you call my name.
It will never sound the same again.
Tried to be good,
any small town person
knows it never ends.
Since I was young,
I've been a stranger to my myself.
I know it never ends.
But hey,
something happened today.
I wish I could explain
the strange sunshine through the rain,
the rush I got
I heard you call my name.
Things will never be the same again.

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